What we really need is some GOOD news….


Sometimes the shores of our minds are battered with endless waves of news headlines and basically they are all reporting the same thing…


Everything is a complete disaster. The disaster all started in a perfect garden with a forbidden tree. That tree was called the tree of knowledge. Eve believed a lie; Adam let her, and so we fell into disaster. We always burn ourselves trying to know everything. We are not God. We cannot handle it. The headlines bring relentless knowledge… from weather to sports to wars to viruses floating around….there is so much oh so much to be afraid of.


But that’s not news not exactly because we all know that…. The news we really need is that Jesus is going to fix this whole mess and all His are going to be redeemed. All His children are going to be more than ok, set free. Better than not sick, but fully well in every place the eye cannot see. We need some good news because good doesn’t get reported much in this fallen world.


It’s like the enemy has gotten a hold of the air waves and refuses to let the oxygen of good get in there because then we might breathe and refresh and remember the whole earth is still full of His glory, the world still full of Him!

There is still good, because He is still good.


There is more than gossip headlines; there is the grace of forgiveness. There is more than sickness; there is healing. There is more than busyness; there is rest. There is more than fear; there is our awe-inspiring God who is to be feared.


This is why we need to read headlines of Scripture to remind ourselves of more than the depravity we know is eating our flesh alive, to remind ourselves of life-Words with fear eradicating truths and perfect hope. We could all use a fresh dose of hope; we need Jesus that’s it and who could deny it? There’s no other Savior not any other way out of this than our God and this is the news we need. Our God does not sleep or slumber.


Our Savior, He keeps the night watch and every hour of every day, and he is always the one keeping us, not the alarm system, not the courts of law, not the headlines.


Gracious Father, Keep our souls in perfect peace. Produce in us that fruit of yours which this world cannot understand. Intrigue them with our certaint, our security, our unshakeable faith. And let out mouths open to invite them home to you. Let us read the headlines of Scripture to them. Let us speak of the Kingdom that is coming and the King who will reign until He comes with the clouds and saves us from ourselves completely. In Jesus name Amen.


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