What do you see…the GRACE or the MESS?




Life. It’s the sweet conglomeration of chaos &  joy, trial & victory, hope & hope deferred…. It’s sitting up until midnight drinking orange juice and root beer talking life with a friend turned sister.  It’s sitting by a mentor and friend with Bibles opened, dining deep. It’s putting kids to bed, waking up sleepy (sounds ironic, but not if you’re a mommy, smile)…it’s feeding, bathing, diapering on repeat. It’s wondering if this is really living and then in the same turn being undone, eyes opened to see that this really is living….This happy life God gave His children. Where we can say with honesty…


The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have beautiful inheritance.

Psalm 16:6


We can look around our lives and see the crumbs on the floor. We can glance and see the messes piled in various corners in every room…those corners that annoy. Our eyes see cabinets that need a fresh coat of paint or flooring that  needs to be vacuumed again. Our ears tire of hearing, “Mommy, mommy!” on repeat. Our hearts dishearten with various conflicts that arise. We can look around our lives and see nothing but scattered pieces of joy…a bit here and there amid the mess in our homes…in our hearts. Or we can look through the living Word and see all consuming joy everywhere, full joy in His presence. We can see life as GRACE.




Afforded to us by

Christ our King

Enduring eternally


Or we can see choose to only open our eyes to the MESS.



Exceptional Grace

Sinking in

Sin’s blinding trap


Is life primarily GRACE to you or a MESS to you? Are our eyes opened to grace…gazing straight through the heart of His Word, through the wounds of His Son? Or are our eyes opened to MESS? Focusing on all we think we lack, all we feel is wrong, on how deplorable we really are…?


It’s true we’re messy sinners, but in God, our Savior, it is true that we’re covered with cleansing grace… There’s this power in us, it’s CHRIST IN US the hope of glory, we can see life as Jesus sees or we can deny His power. Faith sees beauty. Trust sees loveliness. It’s Philippians 4 in life


Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Philippians 4:8


Seeing Jesus in everything gives glorious way to God’s very throne. We must pay close attention to how we see. Our children will adopt our vision. We will impact our husband’s sight and tremendously influence our friends. The deep waters of our heart lose their murkiness when we see life as GRACE… We are desperate to see it that way. I am desperate anyway (smile).


Choose GRACE over MESS? Choose JESUS or whatever you think has gone all wrong? Love covers long, let it.


Memorize365 helps us see life the way it really is…beautiful lines falling in pleasant places.



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