Am I the only mommy out here rejoicing that I found a moment to pee? I know, I am not usually that frank. It’s just that between shoving laundry in washer, in dryer, in rooms and not necessarily in closets or dresser drawers (smile), stuffing faces with breakfast, with snack, with lunch, & scurrying to nap time, to checking on the sleeping babe nearly certain to find him chomping on the bit to eat and not just to eat but to eat NOW, I didn’t know that I would find him ASLEEP! And that little ol’ me would actually grab the coveted once a day potty break. And when you’re a mom sometimes you just have to tell a friend, or any random soul who wants to listen.

We took a break and stole away from the world for about 4 and 1/2 days. Do you remember what it’s like to not answer the phone or reply to an email for an entire day?! It is glorious, and I am not just tossing that pretty adjective out there. I mean it! What would life be like if we weren’t so available to just about everyone but the One? Would our times with Jesus be richer if we stripped away the distractions?

I know we’ve got to live life. We have to return calls, check email, communicate to love well. Maybe though we would love better, more like Him, if we were with Him perhaps without distraction a bit more?

As our feet plodded the earth lakeside through jewel colored bedazzling leaves aside still waters, as all seemed quiet save the joy of children and birds joining in their song, I thought this is the be still moments of life. We don’t live all that well without them. He who hurries his steps errs. It’s true.



When the beauty around you isn’t tailored clothing layered on top of well coiffed bodies and meticulously styled hair, when it is instead the sound of a raspy two year old voice calling, “Look Mommy!! A pine cone!!” All enraptured in wonder, that is pure and true loveliness. It’s mostly unadulterated bliss in what God has faithfully made that most of us won’t ever notice.




To be still? To be quiet? Strange to the world we spend our days in, yet needed for the life of a child of God. It’s just like He told Martha…Mary has chosen what is better and it won’t be taken from her  (Luke 10) . Everything else will be lost save Christ. And if He saves us from our striving, how blessed are we? To sit for a long while at His feet and let His wonderfulness flood the soul. We need that!

So in the midst of the hustle, don’t bust wide open doing, take rest. Take hold of Jesus, our Savior.


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