Smiles of Grace’s First Bible study offering…..


Thinking of you today and wondering what you’re studying in the Word right now? I wanted to share with you a humble resource that is available if you’re looking for something to dig deep into right now…   The study available this year is called The Unveiling: Revelation Study  (Click here to see the intro/session 1.) It is about Jesus, all about Him. If it could help even one of you, perhaps it’s worth sticking my neck out there? Worth overcoming my own fear and intimidation (smile)… I’ve been writing Bible studies for a long time for the various small groups of women the Lord has gracious allowed me to lead. Wasn’t the least bit deserving to get to teach even one of them…I am not putting on airs when I say it has been and is an honor, a complete joy, and my obedience to our Lord Jesus’ irresistable call.


This study is trickling here and there. My prayer? That it would fill up thirsty souls with living water…refreshing drink only the God-breathed words can provide.


Here’s a portion of testimony from a wife and mom of 2 who completed the study with a small group of women in Virginia:

Before I began the Bible study, I honestly was a little scared to be studying Revelation, but as soon as I heard Regina’s sweet voice and saw her sweet face, and heard the awesome teaching and life lessons that she was sharing from God, I stopped being afraid. I enjoyed how she made the study very practical, and how we went through each scripture. I enjoyed hearing the different interpretations, and I found myself growing closer to the Lord and more zealous. About halfway through the study, I felt the Lord calling me closer to Him – I began having a hunger for His word, and I couldn’t skip my morning devotionals anymore like I used to. I longed for that sweet time with Him. He also spoke to me to clean up my walk-in closet, and to turn it into a prayer closet. I wasn’t obedient at first, but by the end of the study, I had turned it into a prayer closet complete with blankets, and worship music. It is my cozy little nook that is just for Jesus and I, (although my kids mistakenly think that it’s a play area.) : ) I know that God has even more amazing plans for Regina, and her passion for God is contagious.


Those words are abundantly gracious from a kind young woman I’ve never laid eyes on. The part that made my heart leap? About halfway through the study, I felt the Lord calling me closer to Him – I began having a hunger for His Word, and I couldn’t skip my morning devotionals anymore like I used to. I longed for that sweet time with Him. The only reason that I share her testimony is so that you can see that our Lord wants to take you on a journey too…a journey through the pages of His living Word, so He can speak to you just as personally. He doesn’t have to use The Unveiling to do that, but if He would, I praise Him!


If He would use my imperfect manner of speaking and writing about His altogether perfect Word, so that even one reading would say…I longed for that sweet time with Him…how my soul would rejoice!


I just thought it was time I asked if you or your small group of women need a drink? This resource is available if so. Email me at if you like. The Unveiling is an 8 week study with 8 weeks of written homework. If both video/homework are completed you will walk through every verse of the book by the end. It is a beautiful journey intended for individuals or small groups. And believe me, there are better resources, more seasoned teachers, like Mrs. Beth Moore, Mrs. Priscilla Shirer, and Mrs. Ann Voskamp…I commend them each one to you and a whole host of others…. This is just a simple offering that I pray the Lord would bear fruit in the lives of those who study. Either way, I hope you’ll keep reading, walking with me, even toss in a comment or two here and there. It is much better to journey together than to journey alone.


Thank you for letting me share, for allowing me to be vulnerable, and offer up the humble work that God has worked so faithfully in me. It’s not a perfect study, but it is a perfect Word. And that’s what I am staking all on.

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1 Comment

  1. I love the way you teach, Regina. I look forward to watching all of these sessions and studying one of my favorite books (!) after I finish my Easter devotion. Love your heart for him, my friend.

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