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Autumn days pour beauty. The sound of birds finishing their song before turning south, the touch of coolness in the breeze, the slow change of leaves to an array of breathtaking colors, there’s so much to be thankful for. The days slip by quickly and sometimes without much pause. Without careful attention to our thinking we can let the cares of our heart sneak in and reign us.

Our minds turn over and over trying to wrestle down busy schedules, attempting to do the best things but sometimes it’s still all just too much. We need the stillness and quietness of the Word to understand what God’s will is.
When we race through life we run right past the people and the moments He created for us to do the good works He planned out that we would walk in.

Isn’t that a sad thought, that we might run right past the will of God? The rush steals from us. The rush promises accomplishment; that’s why we give into it I think, but what it really gives is missed divine opportunity.


He who hurries His steps errs.


We don’t need to hurry; we need to hear from God. We need than five minutes, ten minutes to seek Him. We need our days to revolve around Him, so that we may experience His peace, His joy, the gentleness of His love. We don’t need to hurry to the next thing. We need to hear our God and follow Him.


We could miss all this autumn beauty rushing about, losing our way obeying schedules rather than God, or we could seek Him for His plan. Commit our plans to Him and listen when He says go, no, stop, or wait. We could take hold of the beauty of each moment given and give Him thanks. We could hear God and not hurry past, and that could change our lives.


Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Psalm 37:3

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