Our pretentious words that fail to point others to Christ, nice clothes meant to cover up our messy hearts, and appearance keeping  intended to cause others to think of us better than we are will be the death of us, it’s true. Being authentic is better than living like that, I agree. We have a penchant for loving authenticity in this culture, but authenticity as defined by culture can be so fake & fail to exalt Christ. Dwelling or exulting in our failings is not the path toward humility. It is not repentance, and the Lord never once admonishes us to “be real.”


Jesus encourages us instead to grow in godliness, to let an other worldly wisdom dawn in our mind’s eye and seep out into our days.


I want to be real, true, transparent, but more than all of that I want to be transformed.We fail greatly, but He died so we could do greater works than these. The saint has a glorious reality, hardships a plenty, but abundant life in Christ.  I desire to be like Jesus, Who is entirely different than me, in my flesh & natural man.


Somehow I think we want to feel ok in our own skin or sin (I am not sure which one), so we have convinced ourselves that because everyone is like me who I am is ok.


In fact, who we are is not ok. That is why the God Man hung on a tree, because who I really am needs to die and Christ live if I am to live at all.


Do we boast in weakness? Yes, daily. Weak is what we are. It is my identity and yours (Psalm 86), and the strength we have, that comes from God. It is grace. Grace in all things, Christ Jesus.


If there is anything truly authentic that I could share with you, it is this. I truly don’t want to be myself. I don’t want to be left alone in this body of sin and death. I don’t want to wilt under the harshness of my spirit or dry out those who are around me. I don’t want to die of thirst in this parched land where there is a drought of His Word lived, a void of true Holy Spirit power.


The kingdom of God is a beautiful thing when it comes, and I am certain that when Jesus appears and the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of  our God and Christ (Revelation), and I will be like Him for I will see Him as He is (1 John). 


The truest reality a Christ follower has is Christ. And He is our life, actually, not just in figure of speech.


In my mothering I want Jesus to authentically shine. It shouldn’t look natural, because it is not. It shouldn’t sound normal, because it is not. I should look like a glimmer, a glimpse, a glorious resemblance of Christ.


Now, there is no use in feigning perfection. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But let’s be careful not to use “authenticity” to abuse grace. Let’s be honest about our sin and vigilant about killing it simultaneously (Romans 8). So, it would seem to hold that we would start looking more like our Jesus and less like ourselves. If that’s inauthentic, I will gladly wear the title. We have not yet resisted sin to the point of shedding blood. If He gives us grace to become who we are not, I will take it. He really is better than life.


That is grace in mothering, that is grace in life. Christ Jesus, our Savior. He is the only authentic Man. There is a destiny awaiting us when the struggle of sin and flesh will fall and give way to a sinless Christ-filled eternity (2 Corinthians 3:18).


That is the day that all other days are to be lived for.

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  1. Amen! 🙂

  2. […] gaze at it in faith slowly…steadily becomes like Him. The last thing anyone needs is to be more like themselves. We are the image bearers, unique. We are meant to bear the image of One. We are so fearfully and […]

  3. I love this. I can for sure fall into this trap of “being real” to the extent that I want to stop there and resist the obedience needed for transformation. Thank you for this loving reminder to claim the truest reality a Christian has is CHRIST!

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