
Actually, God is the King.


That’s what my little girl said and it stuck. It resonates a bit, doesn’t it? How often we set ourselves up as King. How often we forget that we aren’t writing the script of our lives and we are not self-determiners of our own destinies. Contrary to what this world system might tell you self-actualization will land you in real damnation. There is nothing in flesh that is good save Christ alone if He is in it. We might want to be the captain of the ship and tell the sea of life what to do, but we are not the Commander. Actually, God is the King. This is not a democracy. This is a kingdom. And we are royalty. We are heirs and heiresses, sons and daughters, friends and victors… we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession. But we are not the King.


Isn’t it funny how this simple statement silences our endless complaining, puts in place every self-ambition that threatens to teem in us, rebukes our lose tempers and our stubborn hearts that demand our own way.


This person or that might think they are in charge because of the amount of zeros behind their name. We might feel pretty in control if finances are in order and food is stocked in the pantry and our schedules are working out accordingly, but control is illusion. Don’t be deceived. You are only safe if you’re in the hands of the King, and actually God is the King. In the hands of yourself, there is much to fear, but in the hands of the King there is nothing to fear. His hands are infinitely big, His mind full of all knowledge, His heart full of all love, and though we feel strange giving up our imagined sense of control, we have never given up a thing if we have given in to His Lordship.

We are neither puppets on a string nor performers in a play, but saints on the world’s stage where the curtain will soon be drawn and main character unabashedly revealed in such wonder that every knee will find its place on the solid earth that this One… this King spoke into being.


So if today finds you pretty undone, a bit disheveled of heart, and a bit of sadness lingers over your spirit because all hasn’t gone according to your plan…. Or if you feel as though all is going well in your world and there’s a little inner smile of self-satisfaction, by all grace… dismiss both forms of pride. Neither self-pity nor self-exaltation puts us in right standing with God. Only Jesus puts us in right relationship with the Father and that by grace and through faith. The only way stand is in Christ. The only way to live is Christ, and the only King is Jesus Christ.


So every time my heart races and my mind spins wild in worry and buckles with fear there’s sweet Bible truth spoken by 3 year old lips… from the mouth of babes… wisdom. Actually, God is the King. And every time things go really well and all works perfectly into the plan I sketched out, and I feel that urge to be pretty puffed up and self-satisfied… Well, actually God is the King and everything good is from Him. Any time I look about this world and scan over headlines and feel that panicked despair, that inability to do anything real to stop all this evil… Actually, God is the King and…

He gave us such a beautiful Gospel and it will storm the gates of hell with earth shattering power and unquenchable victory.


Yes, yes, yes sometimes faith comes slowly, but it always comes. Actually, God is the King.


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1 Comment

  1. Thank you for this post. It is a refreshing reminder of who is in control. Yes, God Is the King.

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