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When I was in college I had this amazing mentor, Cheri, and she’s mentored a whole army of young women. The type that deserves praise in the gates, what I aim to be….She was the one who challenged me to memorize the Word, whole passages of it, full meals, instead of Scripture snacking…memorizing bits here & there. Snacks are great though, not downplaying that (smile)!


Well, Cheri gave me this notebook/binder. I still have it. A translucent sunny yellow cover with a piece of stark white paper tucked inside the front…it read in grassy green letters,


Regina’s Cup of Tea.


The analogy wasn’t lost on me, Just like a plain cup of hot water turns into the most flavorful of teas after the tea bag sits in it for just enough time…so *plain you becomes flavorful, rich toward God as you steep His living Word in your soul,* soak it in, and pour it out…like a drink offering.


To absorb what is in the Word, requires more than an exercise in mental acrobatics. It is not primarily about the mode, method, and best techniques. It is about coming into the presence of the One who wrote it. We sit in His Word to soak Jesus in, so we can pour Jesus out of our saturated souls.


The Memorize 365 Challenge if it’s about anything…it is about Jesus, it’s about steeping His Word in your soul. His love softens us.


I’m so glad you’ve accepted the invitation. Now, stay the course. It’s so hard! I know. I know. But this discipline of grace… Yeah, this is how we train ourselves toward godliness.


This weekend just keep reading! If you’ve already started memorizing, great! If you’re looking at your chapter of 6 verses and thinking I will finish this by month’s end…wonderful! Finish it and then you can SOAK. The end of memorizing Scripture is always always Jesus. Keep steeping. Next week, Monday, Lord willing I will give the next steps for our lofty goal of memorizing 365 days this year *you won’t be just putting facts in your mind that whole time * we will be meditating on the Word…steeping a full year long.


And if I could I’d let you sit comfy in my favorite chair, and you & me… We would share a cup of tea and talk long about God our Savior, take some time to smile together. We would turn back the pages and learn about one another… And our hearts would fill with joy beholding the beauty of God that somehow shines from Zion and shines also on the face of a saint (Psalm 34). Maybe this could be our spot for tea…? Wow, am I glad you’re here!

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