

There is a mirror that never lies, never breaks your heart, or whispers “worthless” until you nearly wilt. There is a mirror that tells the truth. If you hold its gaze long enough it will find you looking less and less like yourself, less and less like your neighbor, and more like Jesus. This mirror reveals the Son and whoever would gaze at it in faith slowly…steadily becomes like Him. The last thing anyone needs is to be more like themselves. We need to be transformed to become who we really are. We are the image bearers, unique. We are meant to bear the image of One.


Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces will never be ashamed.

Psalm 34

Some mirrors are meant to be broken. 


But there is one you cannot break, and it will never break you.

But we all with unveiled face beholding as in a MIRROR the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another, just as from the Lord the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18


The Word is the mirror that makes the soul beautiful and free. A secure, sacred place where life is sown in and fruit grows bountifully.


Even the wagon tracks overflow….


Even the places where we’re overlooked, not chosen, no proposals come, dreams wither, days drag on…


Even the places where we pound the ground trying to get ahead, next promotion passes us, outwitted, outshone…


Even the places in our lives where we are worn thin, brow beaten, little showered, pulled upon, drained dry…


Even in the places where nothing should ever grow….The Word, Christ Jesus, makes beautiful, causes fruit to come gloriously out of dry ground. Isn’t He always bringing life out of death? Isn’t He always teaching us to carry our own tree and follow Him? Remember…pick up your cross…follow me? He Himself ornamenting us…a display of His splendor.


He is the miracle…Christ in you the hope of glory.

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