imageimageimageThere’s a beauty that lingers about a woman at peace with everything in her life. It is an untouchable assurance that no matter how hard the waves rock, her Rock will hold her still.


But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. 1 Peter 3:4


I sat with clouds rolling gently above breezing through blue skies and I deliberately tried to cease striving. It was then that I realized just how much I actively strive toward whatever ends each day. We all do I think. Our lists have grown longer than the hours provided in our days. Our wants have suffocated out our joy and thanks. Our egos threatening to shut our eyes to brokenness. We are a striving people, but unless we are striving toward God all of it is vanity, a mere chasing after the wind as Solomon put it.


We are only as secure as we are anchored down deep in Jesus. Waves crash. Life is shrouded with difficulty because we are in the place where sin is natural, where the enemy of our souls is permitted to reign. Our unmatched unequaled God has a day of utter destruction appointed for him and all the rebels. The end draws steadily near. The hour of darkness is short and its defeat sure. The victory over satan, sin, and death won in three days.


The Creator of the earth does not return to dust.


This is our Easter hope, our everyday victory the reason striving ends. It is finished. Work out your salvation…. For it is God who works in you… Yes, that’s what Paul said, and this is truth.


The endless insecurity, the mindless comparisons, the lack of spiritual depth and biblical maturity… This is all ended in Jesus. Maybe cease striving and know that I am God really does mean just that. God is God and since we have access to the throne let us boldly approach to ask for the help we need and cease our striving to be Him.

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