What really overcomes all this darkness….



Light fills up the horizon. Over in the east the sun rises. I look down past a row of houses through the trees and I see it, the promise of God dawning.


While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

Genesis 8:22


So the promise of God keeps coming dawn after dawn. Sunrise after glorious sunrise. I watch light fill up the dark earth and think back to my heart 22 years ago…cold, dead, and darker than the blackest night. The Sunrise from on High would dawn Valentine’s Day that year 1992, 22 years ago and warm my heart and light up my soul forever & ever. I would say with Peter I am an eyewitness…I haven’t seen Jesus with my eyes, but my heart sees & believes, I receive that blessing. His majestic glory is real…we behold His majesty every time we wake and open our hearts to living Word and real drink. Every time we satisfy soul hunger with Living Bread we see the wonder…behold the miracle. Jesus borne in the hearts of man. The Spirit of the living God at work in needy men and women all over this world.


There are tragedies that exist whether we know it or not all earth’s terrain. Right now, right. now. there are little girls the size of my little girl being sold for someone else’s slavery to sin. This week, maybe every week, whether we ever hear the report or not little children are kidnapped and their lives taken. Untold thousands of babies have been killed because of someone else’s choice. There are wives that are neglected and husbands wildly disrespected. There are the gossips and slanderers and the haters of those made in God’s image. And I look at this world shrouded in darkness and hearts blacker than night and I know that the Gospel that invaded and freed my soul some 22 years ago must come into the hearts of the bad guys all over this world. Just like I remind my kiddos, we are all bad guys.

There was only ever one Good Guy and He Himself bore our sin on the cross. His were wounds that heal. His blood poured to death saves. His disfigured body allowing our bodies to be made whole.


There are Jesus seekers and Jesus haters, and we are all one or the other. We either participate with darkness or we dispel it by the glorious true light. The truth is the truth whether or not we believe it. And the plain truth is you’re a bad guy. And there was only ever one Good Guy and you need Him more than you know, sooner than you think.


The world is heavy. Life is hard. And there are injustices that parade under the curtain of darkness, but I will shine Jesus’ light on it and use every bit of everything God graciously gives to show how the Majestic Glory overcomes darkness. The darkness will not prevail against us. We really are children of the day, children of light! The Son always rose at dawn…and He just keeps on rising in the hearts of the bad guys who are crazy wise enough to believe.

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