Instagram serves up in a clear way the fact that we are all searching for heaven on earth a piece of something idyllic. We inherently …
The Dose of Reality We Really Need

Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future.
Instagram serves up in a clear way the fact that we are all searching for heaven on earth a piece of something idyllic. We inherently …
The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we …
For as long as I can remember I have loved setting a table. There’s just something about ironing & folding a linen napkin just so …
If you’re anything like me your thoughts can be all over the place. I can go from meditating on the resurrection in the book of …
Have you ever felt misunderstood? I can see your messy bun now bobbing as you nod your head in firm agreement. I think we have …
Do enough laundry, wash enough dishes, do enough of the same things in rapid succession day after day after day, and you might begin to …
We are all in this together, right? In the swirl of all that is back to school, the return of lunchboxes, eyes straining to …